Thursday, March 6, 2008

In Medias Res # 23: sometime to kill

I. You can’t train me, Mother$%^&#*
I went to a volunteer training this past weekend. As I noted in last week’s blockbuster post “(insert title here)” I’ve been trying to cultivate a life outside of work. As part of that I’ve been sussing out some volunteer and service opportunities. One in particular I’ve become fond of, and last weekend they had a required training. I attended hoping to meet some new people.
I think on some level the work that I do has ruined me for trainings, workshops, and the like. This training was painful. I give presentations to classes, colleagues, and community members probably 2-3 times a week. I have to say-and reserve your comments, dear reader- I’m a halfway decent presenter. I have done this enough to know the basic rules. ALWAYS bring extra handouts (and if you want to conserve paper make it clear and accessible where this information can be found online). If you are working with a roomful of strangers-especially people who will eventually have to work together- do an icebreaker. Do a couple. Never just sit and talk and this goes double-no triple- for when there is already a power point presentation setup for you to use.
I’m not perfect. I screw up pretty regularly when I present. Sometimes I’m tired, or I’m underprepared, or I just plum forgot something. Whatever the case may be I figure out how to compensate. I certainly don’t allow my audience to suffer for it.
All that said I really liked everyone I met and I’m looking forward to getting involved with this organization. Last night was my first ‘shift’ and while it was uneventful I had quite a bit of fun.
II. I find this all very taxing
I’m ¾ of the way done with my 2007 taxes. This year was particularly complicated because I had to file two state returns in addition to my federal return. I am looking forward to getting back that 2K refund though. Hopefully it will show up in time for the down payment on a condo I may or may not buy. Either way 2K back in my pocket is a good thing.
One of the things it never even occurred to me to look into during the job search was the income tax rate. Now, while I didn’t get to move to a particularly liberal state (which means we have crappy public schools and questionable roads) it does mean that my taxation rate is pretty low. Take that MassachuVermontesota! You may have a social safety cushion that cares for everyone in our democratic society, but I’m keeping an extra $25 a month. Plus I’m a childless single white man. What need have I of social services? So screw you.
I like to think of myself as pretty economically savvy. I have money invested, and I’ve already started a retirement fund (woo hoo Roth IRAs!). I’ve also got life insurance-although the beneficiaries at the moment are my parents. I’m sure they’ll be glad I took out the policy, but honestly I doubt they’re going to be psyched with that inheritance. I was surprised at my own naiveté when it came to taxes, though. Despite my insistence on working at an institution with domestic partnership benefits, it never occurred to me to ask if the institution grosses up to cover the difference (they don’t) or if we live in a state which wouldn’t create an undue burden (it does). Again, all these things are relevant in the abstract-one day I might start dating someone and want to put them on my benefits plan- but it is at least worth thinking and asking about. Especially for all you dear readers who are job searching.
III. The Great Fishbowl KT Turnstall Quest
Have you been reading the new job hunt blog? I assume if you’re motivated enough to read my blathering you are in fact equally enthralled by the newest members of the blogocracy (TM In Medias Res LTD). Some things stuck me as I was reading their recounting of the Job Hunt. (I’ve compiled them below for you in easy list form):
the James Frey effect- Ok, honestly more than once I could of sworn these bastards poached one of my posts. I went back and checked my own (admittedly more florid and sensual) writings and nope. They’re honest at least as much as I can tell. But the sentiment, the anxiety, the process. Its all way too similar. I feel for them. I do. They didn’t steal my posts though.
I know NASPA is earlier this year but, damn! When I was job searching the period between January and May seemed to stretch on forever. I know time moves faster here. It is an observable fact and I have the scientific equation to prove it. I will not, however, be sharing that information with you, dear reader, until it has been vetted by the Nobel committee and I have been properly rewarded. It seems like everything is just barreling down on these kids (can I call them kids?) OPE came and went as did SPE. NASPA is this weekend! Before you know it one of them will have a job. Perhaps both! My lord that seems quick.
I don’t think I ever explained my gimmick. Ok, so my co-blogger started out framing her posts with Grey’s Anatomy quotes and then moved on to Sex and the City (speaking of which, when do we get to hear about all your hookups? That’s what I come back for week after week). Fishboy (as I affectionately refer to him in my own head) has some strained metaphor about being a fish and looking for a bowl. I get it. And the other one is using half a line from a two year old pop song. (C’mon everybody, I kid because I love!) So where does In Medias Res come from? Well, as loyal readers of the blog know (which is probably what- me and Hristin Moh at this point?) I am an avid reader. In Medias Res is a Latin phrase which broadly refers to when we join a story in the middle of the action. Since y’all did not come on board at the beginning- it wasn’t nearly as trendy for a new fetus to blog when I was….a new fetus- you joined in the middle of the action. As such, you only really know what’s happening since post one. I know I explained this last time, but this is technically a new blog. New Blog, new pathetic rationalizations.
You can figure out what the hell it is I’m talking about at the 2008 Student Affairs Job Hunt.
Ok, this has been a damn long post. As you can probably guess I had some time to kill before a student program and now that time is gone. Have fun at NASPA or on Spring Break or whatever the hell it is you do dear reader with your free time (Crochet? Competitive archery? Collecting scrap metal?). I’m going to visit a grad school friend this weekend, and then recruiting some high school students (for work, not for my unauthorized production of High School Musical 3: To Catch a Predator). Ooh, maybe if I blog next year I can start every post with lyrics from High School Musical! I should probably watch one of those things know so I know what the hell I’m talking about.

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