Thursday, October 25, 2007

In Medias Res #8-Breaking Writer's Block?

From the album "Writer’s Block" (yes, I know its barely relevant I'm trying to see how many Peter, Bjorn, and John references I can cram in this semester)

I was having a lot of trouble with determining what I want to write about this week. My supervisor is out of town, and my students are immersed in midterms. It is one of those rare slow weeks where I’ve had the chance to get ahead on some ongoing projects. I did have two trainings this week, but I’d prepared them both well in advance (and the one I’ve done so far was pretty damn successful if I do say so myself).
So I figured I’d give you-dear reader- a bit more insight into what a slow week looks like for In Medias Res. We begin at the end, or with last week’s end anyways.
The Weekend:
While web surfing last Thursday I read a brief article about how one of my favorite bands had reformed and was touring. Out of curiosity I check out their website. Lo and behold, they were performing in my neck of the woods Friday night! What are the chances? I read the alternative weekly and pretty regularly check out the community calendars so I like to think I keep abreast of things, but this came up out of nowhere. And the show was awesome. And cheap. Such is the beauty of living in a city.
My weekend was off to a good start. I proceeded to sleep in on Saturday and then run a million errands. I even made it to the Farmer’s Market near my apartment for a cooking demonstration. Sunday I slept in again (good lord if I don’t love sleeping), read in my backyard, and checked out some dogs up for adoption. (So far? No dog.)
Was meeting after meeting after meeting. Why do people only want to meet with me on Monday and Friday? And why do they expect me to have energy and enthusiasm at the end of either of those days? After work I went home, ate dinner, exercised, and came back to campus for a student program. Got to sleep around midnight.
I booked a flight for a conference. I attended a program put on by our law school over the lunch break, and then came back to the office for three hours of curriculum revision. Tuesday it took me an extra half hour to get home because of construction (it usually takes fifteen minutes), and so I couldn’t get to the library before they closed. Rode my bike to the neighborhood borders and bought a copy of Tom Perotta’s new book on sale.
Spent the morning meeting with our study abroad folks about creating focused themed programming. Not completely sold on the idea yet, but the implementation is at least a year out so hopefully as things firm up I can help them shape it into something exciting. Had lunch with a colleague in the Career Center who really wants to make the transition back to the activities/leadership side of Student Affairs. Kind of sounded like they were gunning for my job (which they will have to pry from my cold dead hands). After work I went home, ate dinner, and came back to campus for a student program (Déjà vu?).
Marathon staff meeting. Spent lunch working with a group of student leaders on a campus wide diversity initiative that needs a lot of conceptual work. This afternoon our campus speaker cancelled and so I have a good chunk of time to work on some programming initiatives. My student worker has been out of the office all week interviewing for Teach for America. My supervisor has not checked in once from the road which I appreciate it. On the agenda tonight: Going to see a craptacular horror film with a coworker.

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