Friday, October 5, 2007

In Medias Res #5- Working for the Weekend

Its been a crazy week, so instead of one long post I’ve written a little bit each day, and posted it all at once.
During our last staff meeting my supervisor basically told me I need to take a three day weekend and soon. I haven’t had any time off since I’ve started (we worked through labor day-yay orientation!) Now, I’m far from burnt out. In fact, I am still very much in the honeymoon phase. That said, if I’m going to lose the vacation days I may as well take them.
I already bought my tickets to go home for Thanksgiving and Winter Break. I thought a lot about going home for an extra weekend, but the cost and time involved would make the whole trip negligible on the enjoyment scale. I toyed around quiet a bit with trying to get some friends to meet me in Vegas, but then I remembered I don’t gamble and the last time (and only) time I was in Vegas I really hated it.
At my local library’s rummage sale I found a copy of Elvis Costello’s 1977 album ‘My Aim is True’. I should note I found this copy on vinyl and it is pretty much in pristine condition. I took it home last weekend and listened to it as I did laundry and cooked my lunch for Monday. The album kicks off with a barn burner called ‘Welcome to the Working Week’. I’ve always liked Costello but he was never someone that I actually sat down and listened to. ‘Welcome to the Working Week’ I think is how we should all start our day. I think it should be required listening in offices.
This is the first week since I have started this job that I feel stressed. At first I was so new I had nothing to do. There were no students around and so I diddled around the office, reading journals and planning programs that I would probably never do without student input. Once the students got back I was giddy and high on their energy. This week though I definitely felt myself crash.
This was not in response to anything in particular. Nothing tragic happened, but a whole series of things (particularly events and programs for which I am solely responsible) came to a head. Every day this week I’ve gone home and been bone tired. I wake up in the morning and I am tired. I am finally starting to understand why my supervisor wants me to take that three day weekend.
Next week is just as bad, but after that it’s a couple of weeks before I have another program. In that time I’m going to take a three day weekend, leave early a couple of days, and maybe come in late once or twice. (And don’t think I’m committing self sabotage. This is all coming from my supervisor).
Right now, honestly, I just want to go and grab a nap. And it’s 9 o’clock in the morning so that’s probably not a good sign.

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