Tuesday, February 12, 2008

In Medias Res #20- Sushi Triumphant!

I made Sushi! Ok, first of all, I know this is late. But I’ve been sick, just like everyone else. Aren’t your students sick? Or are you reading this on your laptop in the University of the Bahamas? If so, I hate you dear reader. I hate you.

But back to the story: I made sushi! Now, I lead a cosmopolitan anonymous homosexual blogger lifestyle so I have made sushi before. In fact, this was one of the few successful programs I actually hosted as an RA. That’s a tip for you undergraduate readers in Res Life staffs: everyone loves a sushi rolling party.

No, what excites me so very much is that I made sushi at home. I made sushi rice at home. I made my own aioli (fancy pants mayonnaise), and I cut my own salmon and shrimp. To you this might not sound like much, but I’ve been trying to perfect at home sushi for quite some time now. And now..I have.

In general my culinary adventures this semester have been much more successful than they were during the job search. Of course, now I have more time, energy, and focus. My mind doesn’t drift in a million different directions. Instead, I can keep my attention on that damn egg and whether it is congealing or not.

I am ready for Spring dear reader. I’m ready for fresher vegetables and fruits that don’t look sad. I am ready to spend time outside of my apartment without thermal underwear. Perfecting at home sushi is only a minor solace in the face of no sunshine.

My students are getting equally stir crazy. I’ve been (in my absence) through two peer educator trainings, countless workshops, planning meetings, exec board meetings, and bullshit sessions. This is in addition to all the stuff I’m actually expected to do at work. In particular I’ve been having a bit of a cold war with one of my student leaders who demands that their exec board meetings be at 10pm on Mondays. I refuse to come back that late (boundaries people), and they really can’t get much accomplished with me so I expect that meeting will be moving to a more reasonable time. Of course, if that’s the case I’ll have to actually start attending it.

On a completely unrelated note I just got my own for real grown up Primary Care Physician. I went in for a check up, and I suddenly realized, “Crap! I’m an adult with health insurance and I don’t have a primary care physician. How will I get in network referrals? How can I take advantage of preventative medicine? What if I get a really really bad head cold?” That, of course, is taken care of now. So I just need to find a dentist.

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